Rationalism is a continuous process of mutual enlightenment and liberation from ignorance and narrow loyalties. It is a cooperative effort where the others must be there. Rationalism is a movement of cosmic, uplift; we rise along with our surroundings. Consideration for the others is an important feature of rationalism. We call a person irrational who for his own gains plunges into gloom vast number of people. Rational person will not indulge in such activities. Surely there will be degrees of enlightenment, happiness and liberation, yet the case is never of the traditional type of liberation where a lone individual is liberated and attains the traditional type of moksha, leaving the others in ignorance and misery. The rationalist attitude is that of an enlightened self-interest where one is always related in lesser or greater degrees with the others. Since rationalism is a realistic philosophy, it believes that no one can be really happy in unhappy circumstances. If there are peaks there must be hills and mountains to support them. Under rationalism, the progress is always cosmic. Unfortunately, irrationality of various types, is too much dominant in the present world. Our present world needs rationalism more than ever.
Let us hope that man becomes rational enough in future, gives up irrational ways and adopts the rational ones. Then the various humanist values will come to dominate our social life. A cooperative world-fraternity and a world-government are likely to emerge. When this becomes possible, the huge resources now wasted by each state on “Defence” will be used for welfare purposes. Creative type of activities are likely to make our lives more and more enriched. Every one is likely to enjoy a reasonably happy, satisfactory and creative life. If, even in the long run our world becomes full of spiritually liberated individuals, concepts of traditional heavens will fade into insignificance in comparison to such a rational life. This is possible if man becomes a rational enough. Let us hope that in his own rational self-interest he becomes that. Aim of rationalism is to create such a life, here on earth. Liberated or enlightened life, again, is not a full-stop. It only signifies a direction where gains are real and the possibilities of further development infinite.
(From the book Understanding Rationalism by D.D.Banditse)