One of the happiest moments in my life was finding my best friend from primary school R. Ravindran. Writing about our friendship is equivalent to writing a Masters dissertation. There is so much to write about us and I just do not know where to start. We are best friends right from Year 1, although we were missing from each others life for almost 30 years. All the other friends whom I met during my life journey remained as close friends or ordinary friends.
I cannot remember as to when and how our friendship started. I think it started when both of us were playing after school while waiting for our transport. Then, there was another evening where Ravindran's father brought a camera and took a few shots of us. I cannot remember anything else other than these two events in the first year.
We were always together for the rest of our primary school days. We waited for each other in the school. We sat next to each other in the classroom. During recess we sat together and shared our food. When, we were in Year 6, he checks out my daily horoscope through the Indian calendar. I copy his homework most of the time. Our exam marks were also more or less similar. Those days were really beautiful.
Our friendship somehow faded during the secondary school years. I do not know the cause but I spent the final years of my schooling life alone.
After SPM I kept tab of Ravindran. That is how I came to know that he is in University Malaya through another friend, Anand Jude Anthony. It was a rainy evening in 1985. I was unemployed at that point of time. I was in Minerva Book Store at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman when I bumped into Anand. I asked him about Ravindran and also obtained his address. We exchanged a few letters but somehow lost contact again. In the subsequent years I was very busy with my career and studies. Later I got married and was also actively involved in an NGO. I did not try to locate him again, as I had lost contact with all my old friends. Moreover, the information and communication technology such as the internet, hand phones and computers were in infancy stage. They were also very expensive.
My search started again in 2006 when I went to Sekolah Tunku Mahmud to fetch my nephew. My nephew was in the same classroom that we studied in Year 2. That rekindled my old memories. I started looking for him again by asking people who are from Lambak Estate. I tried to find out from the ex-students association. I searched for his details in the internet. But all proved futile.
In November 2008, while spending my holidays in KL, I came very close in finding him. I managed to get his Kluang address, a heading from his website, his occupation and his phone number through a website. But it was stated that he is in a shipping company. I started wondering what a chemical engineer is doing in a shipping company. I tried to access his website but failed. I tried calling the number but it was not listed. I sent an email but did not receive any reply. I gave up although I knew it’s him. In the subsequent months I was busy with my tuition center.
One day in mid 2009, I received an email from Zam-Zam saying that he is in touch with Ravindran. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. We subsequently exchanged few e-mails and had a lengthy chat before meeting up on 23 August 2009 at Pelita Nasi Kandar in Jalan Ampang. We chatted for about 3 hours. Both of us have transformed tremendously over the years. Later somewhere in November he dropped by at my office. Now we are hoping to meet for dinner in KL. We hope to meet up regularly from hereon.
Ravindran is now a Director of a shipping company.